Jack and the Giant’s Tulips

With these works, I have twisted the classic tale of “Jack and the Beanstalk” to illustrate a different tale from the Giant’s perspective. 

The tale begins with the Giant who wanders through the woods, and learns the last flower on his land has died.  While mourning his loss, the Giant discovers a mysterious stalk that’s grown from the world below.  Little did he know, there was a tragedy happening below him as well.  Jack, a young man in search of tulips convinced they’ll bring him wealth, has gone on a rampage after finding fields of these beautiful flowers, but these tulips are not simple flowers.  They are living beings, who only desire to live and grow in peace.  While Jack stomps across the country side pulling flowers left and right, one of the flowers plants a stalk bean in hopes of escaping and finding refuge.  A large stalk begins to grow, and Jack starts to panic.  He grabs his axe to cut it down to prevent the flowers from fleeing, but the Giant’s kind heart has other plans.  After witnessing his last flower’s death, he decides to help the tulips below.  The Giant tugs on the stalk, startling Jack long enough for the tulips to cling to the thick vine.  With one last pull, the Giant lifts the stalk off the ground, and brings the tulips to safety, where they all live peacefully together.  

Tulips’ Model Sheet


Tulips’ Two Page Spread


Ride's Legacy


The Giant